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New report on violations at Greek borders

Date 19 March, 2020
Category Special Report

Following the recent developments in Greece regarding violence against people at it’s national and EU border, the Border Violence Monitoring Network have co-authored a comprehensive report alongside several organisations (Mobile Info Team, Mare Liberum, No Name Kitchen, and Balkan Info Van). The publication outlines the latest data from monitoring groups recording pushbacks to Turkey from both land and sea, highlighting systemic and EU backed acts of extreme violence and cruelty in breach of international law.

The publication is based on first hand testimony of:

  • Events at the Kastinies/Pazarkule border crossing between Turkey and Greece
  • Systematised pushbacks in the Evros region
  • Human Rights breaches in the Aegean Sea
  • Detention and unlawful removals from the Greek islands
  • Internal violence in the Port of Patras

To read the full report, click on the link below. And to receive more from the Network you can also sign up to our newsletter.