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The police officers hit him in the leg, and he was pushed back to Serbia

Date & Time 2018-04-18
Location Tovarnic train station, Croatia
Reported by No Name Kitchen
Coordinates 45.147575, 19.164551
Pushback from Croatia
Pushback to Serbia
Taken to a police station unknown
Minors involved yes
WLTI* involved no
Men involved no
Age unknown
Group size 1
Countries of origin Afghanistan
Treatment at police station or other place of detention
Overall number of policemen and policewomen involved 4
Violence used beating (with batons/hands/other)
Police involved 4 border police officers

A minor from Afghanistan was caught in a train at Tovarnik train station. He did not ask for asylum and 4 border police officers took him to the border area. The police officers hit him in the leg, and he was pushed back to Serbia at the border of Tovarnik-Sid.