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They asked for asylum, but the police rejected their request, saying that there were no places left, that the camp was full

Date & Time 2017-01-12
Location Banovci, Croatia
Reported by No Name Kitchen
Coordinates 45.1850574, 19.0656771
Pushback from Croatia
Pushback to Serbia
Taken to a police station unknown
Minors involved no
WLTI* involved no
Men involved no
Age unknown
Group size 7
Countries of origin Algeria
Treatment at police station or other place of detention
Overall number of policemen and policewomen involved 3
Violence used no violence used
Police involved Croatian border police with a car

A group of people on the move were in the third village from the border, near a train station. A local woman helped them by giving them food. They were considering going on a train, but 2 police officers arrived in a police car and stopped them. After 10 minutes another police officer arrived in a police van. They asked for asylum, but the police rejected their request, saying that there were no places left, that the camp was full. They were taken to the border in a police car, and were pushed back to Serbia, to a site around 8 km away from Sid. On the Serbian side they walked in the direction of Sid.